[x] driven development
I made a new site: [x] driven development.
Go check it out!
The idea for this site came from a conversation at work where we were discussing design choices for a requirement. The designs felt like over-engineering and in a moment of frustration I said, “This feels like audit driven development!” We had a good laugh and then went back to hashing out a design that would satisfy Audit while still meeting the requirements.
That conversation stayed in my head and eventually, took the form of this new site.
Incidentally, the development of this site itself was a case of résumé driven development! I’d been reading about RethinkDB for a while now and was looking for a project in which to try it out. So when starting development on this site, I dived right in and coded the first version of this site using the Flask web framework and a RethinkDB based storage layer. Thankfully, sanity prevailed soon enough and I converted the site into a 100% static website. There’s a bit of AJAX going on when you navigate around the site but that’s still all served up as static content. Nothing fancy though, the few dozen lines of source will give you the complete behind the scenes story.
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